I strongly support and participate in initiatives to promote women in physics worldwide.

I have been involved in numerous initiatives, my key works include:

Women in Physics in South Africa Poster Campaign: Project co‑coordinator with colleague Sahal Yacoob, creation of poster campaign that highlights aspects of the lives and careers of female physicists in South Africa to educate and inspire high school students across the region (2015‑2016). This was co-sponsored by WiPiSA and presented at ICHEP conference, diversity track, in 2016, Chicago. Posters can be downloaded from here, and our presentation at ICHEP and the posters can be found here.

Women in Physics in the Palestinian Territories: Project coordinator with photographer Jack Owen. This was a study of women physicists in Palestine through interview and photography, to discuss the successes and barriers in their lives. Outcomes included a photoessay which was exhibited at 10 events across Europe, an online photoessay, and various on‑line and print articles, and talks.

Conference talks and seminars on Women in Physics

  • Invited Speaker: “Women in Physics in Developing Countries”, Gender in Physics Workshop, CERN, February 2017.
  • Parallel Session talk: “Women in Physics in South Africa”, at ICHEP 2016, Chicago, USA, August 2016.
  • Invited seminar: “Women in Physics in Developing Countries”, University Queen Mary, March 2016.
  • Invited guest speaker: “Women in Physics in the Palestinian Territories”, Conference and symposium on Women and Science, IFIC, Universitat de Valencia, Spain, March 2015.
  • Invited seminar: “Women in Physics in the Palestinian Territories”, University College London, March 2015.
  • Invited keynote speaker: “Women in Physics in the Palestinian Territories”, Institute of Physics (IOP), Early Career Awards for Women in Physics, London, Oct 2014.
  • Invited speaker: “Women in Physics in the Palestinian Territories“,  Revealing Lives: Women in Science International Conference, Royal Society, London, May 2014.