I am an experimental particle physicist working on the ATLAS experiment at CERN. I am interested in physics analysis measurements using the top quark, the heaviest known fundamental particle, and using it as a tool to search for new physics. The top plays a special role in the Standard Model and in many Beyond the Standard Model extensions due to its unique properties such as its large mass and that its Yukawa coupling to the Higgs is order of unity. The top has a very short lifetime and therefore decays before it can hadronise, thus providing unique access to measure its properties and provide key information at the electroweak breaking scale and beyond.
I have worked on various top-antitop cross-section measurements and studied whats called the charge asymmetry in top-antitop events. I also worked on searches for Higgs production in association with top-antitops.
The Higgs is also an excellent tool for probing beyond the Standard Model. I worked on a study looking for Higgs decaying into invisible new particles (for example that may be candidates for Dark Matter).
I also have worked extensively in operations working in the ATLAS Control Room doing expert on-call and offline shifts for luminosity and beam conditions. My key contribution was the development of the length scale calibration over several years, an important analysis to reduce the overall uncertainty on the luminosity, which in turn is a key uncertainty on every cross-section measurement of ATLAS.