Physicist and Outreacher


Please always read the eligibility criteria, and remember for most MSc/PhD opportunities you must start looking around one year before you intend the start of the course! 

ICTP hosts a number of workshops and schools, please check the scientific calendar, check your eligibility and deadline for applications.

TWAS provides PhD and postdoc opportunities and some research grants, check out their webpage to learn more.

International Schools for advanced BSc & Master Students

CERN Summer School: For advanced BSc and Master students in physics, computing or engineering, to spend the summer at CERN doing courses and research project. DEADLINE: 31 January 2020. Funding positions available for non-member state countries.

DESY Summer School: For advanced BSc and Master students in physics or related natural science degree, students spend the summer at DESY looking at synchrotron radiation experiments or high energy physics experiments. Includes lectures and research project.  DEADLINE: January each year. Few funding positions available for non-member state countries.

African School of Physics: Graduate summer school every two years hosted by a different African country. Full scholarships  available with preference to application from Africa. Next School will be in Morocco in 2020.

Perimeter Institute Summer Program: Two-week summer school in theoretical physics for excellent students who are entering the final year of their undergraduate program in Fall 2020. DEADLINE: January 6, 2020.


Pre-PhD and Masters opportunities: (more UK specific scholarships shown at the bottom of the page)

ICTP Diploma Programme: Pre-PhD intense one year diploma in High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Earth System Physics or Mathematics. 10 full scholarships in each field given. DEADLINE: 29 February 2020.

Perimeter Institute Master’s Program: Perimeter Scholars International is a one-year master’s-level course in theoretical physics for exceptional, enthusiastic, interactive students who have obtained an undergraduate degree in physics and/or math with a minimum of three undergraduate or graduate courses in physics beyond Introductory Physics. DEADLINE: Accepting applications from Oct 2 2019 to Feb 1 2020.


 PhD opportunities

There are many PhD opportunities you must search online. For HEP, heck out Inspire, and for ATLAS opportunities check their jobs page. Remember to start searching at least a year in advance.

OWSD PhD Fellowships: 2020 Call will open soon. The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) to undertake PhD research in the Natural, Engineering and Information Technology sciences at a host institute in the South. Host institutes must be located in a developing country in the South (not the candidate’s home country).

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships: For students from eligible countries to study a PhD in the UK. Please check carefully the eligibility criteria. You must apply more than one year in advance, and first apply to your countries nominated body before October 2020 including all reference letters. DEADLINE November 2020.

ICTP/IAEA Sandwich Training Educational Programme: You can apply with ICTP for a sandwich PhD, where you will conduct your PhD in your home institution, and spend 3-6 months at ICTP each year. DEADLINE 15 March 2020.

PhD Scholarship at the University of Warwick, UK: Awarded to the most outstanding international PhD applicants, made for entry in Autumn 2020. You must have an excellent masters in physics completed before Autumn 2020. DEADLINE 16th January 2020.

Early and Mid Career Scientists

ICTP Associates: ICTP offers junior, regular and senior associate positions at ICTP where you can spend 30-60 days a year over 6 years at ICTP. DEADLINE 31 January 2020.

ICTP Programme for Training and Research in Italian Laboratories: The TRIL Programme offers scientists from developing countries the opportunity to undertake training and research in an Italian laboratory in different branches of the physical sciences. You must be eligible and have at least a masters.

Emmy Noether Fellows Program: One year visiting fellowships for early career female physicists who are currently in faculty positions at universities or equivalent at a research centre and working particularly in the fields represented at Perimeter. DEADLINE: January 13, 2020.

OWSD Early Career Fellowships: 2020 Call will be opened soon. Applicants must have a PhD awarded not more than 10 years prior to application, be resident in one of the listed Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) for at least 5 years, and must be already employed at the university or research institute where the project will be carried out.


Scholarships for masters and PhD in Germany

DAAD offers some fantastic fully funded masters and PhD positions for top students!  Search on their site for opportunities. Here is a search to help you start.

Scholarships for masters in the UK

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships: For students from eligible commonwealth countries. Please check carefully the eligibility criteria. You must apply more than one year in advance, and first apply to your countries nominated body before October 2020 including all reference letters. DEADLINE November 2020.

Chevening Awards – Postgraduate scholarships in the UK (taught masters).  Part of eligibility is that you must return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended. Apply with us at Sussex!

The Saïd Foundation – Postgraduate scholarships to nationals from Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Syria in the UK.  Apply with us at Sussex!

British Lebanese Association – Master degrees in the UK for Lebanese nationals. Apply with us at Sussex!


More opportunities for Women

Organisation for Women in Science in Developing Countries (OWSD): Check out their website for full opportunities and events.

L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science

L’Oréal-UNCall for Application EnESCO For Women in Science partnership
was created to recognize and promote women in science.
Its programs reward established women scientists whose outstanding
achievements have contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge and of its benefits
to society and provide support to promising young women who are already making significant
contributions in their scientific disciplines.

Fellowships for women in science are offered in different regions throughout the wold, for PhD and postdoctoral research. See the website for further information.


  1. Niloufar Wijetunge

    Dear Kate,

    I am the IOP coach for the borough of Islington in London. I’m looking to arrange a day for girls in the borough at our IOP head quarters in Islington. Would this be something you would be happy to be involved with? I’m hoping to organise a half a day event for them to include careers advice and engaging workshops/talks.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Warm regards,


  2. Chetanath Neupane

    Dear Kate,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    Thank you so much for your valuable time and initiation to provide us this list of opportunities.


    Kathmandu, Nepal

  3. Santosh

    A kind gesture for us, prospective graduate students from developing countries. Thank you.

  4. Paul Omeno

    Much appreciation for the good work you are doing to extend the opportunities to African young scholars.

    Thank you

  5. Samuel John Ogana

    Dear Kate,

    Hope you are doing well and compliments of the season.

    This is to appreciate you for the publicity and to look forward for future collaborations.

    Thank you.


  6. Anonymous

    Dear Kate,
    There is a scholarship that runs everything for excellent physics student BCGS Honors Branch at University of Bonn and University of Köln in Germany. You can also put it in the list so most people can know about it.

    Best regards,

  7. Michelle Gutiérrez

    Thank you so much for the information!

  8. Ghada


  9. ปั้มไลค์

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

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